About RetainIt

RetainIt Education Consultancy Ltd specialise in pedagogy, retention strategies as well as the English curriculum for primary education. We have provided bespoke support to various individual schools based on their specific needs, as well as practical strategies to raise progress and attainment.

RetainIt Education have also carried out bespoke curriculum audits for schools, facilitated workshops, training and a variety of educational events for teachers, middle leaders and senior leaders. Additionally, RetainIt provide consultation services for educational organisations such as The English Hub, Unity Research Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts.

Our Vision

Our vision at RetainIt Education Consultancy is to equip teachers and school leaders with effective ‘low effort high impact’ strategies that focus on what truly makes a difference, ensuring every child excels regardless of their circumstances.

Our Philosophy: Do less but do it well; keep the main thing the main thing.

Labels and diagnosis should not be an excuse for lack of progress. On the contrary, they should be a reason why we should be more ambitious for every child.

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